This post is my submission to a contest a friend is having here: The prize is an AWESOME zombie sock doll that she made that I really want to get my hands on! Anyway, the contest is to photograph your ugliest possession.
I suppose I could have delved through my closets for any number of weird and wonderful outfits that I own, but it seemed more fun to look through the house for offenders.
The first one I came upon was a childhood decoration from my bedroom. It's brass. That unicorn's horn unscrews. I don't know why but when I was a kid I thought this was really classy.

The next item could be argued is MUCH uglier. Personally I don't find it that ugly, but everyone I show it to says "That thing is gross." so I know it's especially special because I had it made FOR me. Yes I chose those colours and feathers and fur. This, by the way, in case it wasn't obvious, is a Gryphon puppet. It's kind of a marionette style thing. Very creepy. I love it, but I do recognize its ugly factor.

This is a possession that I came to own by buying this house. This lovely ceramic pattern belongs to the dizzying guest room ensuite. This is my guest room's bathroom floor. It's got this whole "optical illusion" effect that you can only appreciate if you're hungover and staring at it from the ground. It's hideous.

Finally, I hope he won't be offended, but MY choice for ugliest possession is this monkey. I wish I could claim full ownership of it, but it's actually Steffan's. It's made apparently out of a coconut pod and carved by hand. Check out the wire glasses this monkey is wearing. So lifelike.
Anyway, I submit this monkey or any of the previous items as "Ugliest Possession". I could have included a few other items but some of them were gifts from people...and as funny as they were or are, I cannot bring myself to make jokes in case those people read this blog!

So Michelle, I know this monkey is no "Taxidermy Alligator Flashlight" but it's the best I could do with my insomnia and short notice! :)
Also, I think that monkey is a piggy bank.
OMG, this is fabulous! The puppet... honey... no.
That puppet will sit on my shoulder and moves in this really creepy fashion through an air compressed tube that runs up his body. His head moves up and down and side to side. The whole effect makes the dog upset!
It makes me upset, too.
I LOVE the gryphon. I think it's BEAUTIFUL. The coconut monkey...ugh. my son has a couple of coconut monkeys...they're ugly, but much better than that one. That floor tile is dizzying. What were they THINKING?? The brass unicorn? I think brass is ugly anyway...when I was a kid my father had one similar, except it was a horse with a saddle and made of bronze...the saddle snapped off to reveal a cigarette lighter. I think your unicorn may have been for perfume and/or jewellery, but it gets my vote for ugliest.
Thanks! I love the gryphon but up until now nobody else did! :) YAY, I'm not totally nuts! :)
I really hate the unicorn and the coconut monkey just seems like garbage someone forgot to throw out!
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