The City of Ottawa Garbage & Recycling Rant

As I started to write this, I could hear the recycling truck coming down the street. I pay my taxes, and I'm happy that the City of Ottawa picks up everything I leave on the curb every Monday - but, and you'd think it was petty unless you had this happen to you, the recycling guy keeps getting here earlier and earlier. I thought we had an unsaid and unwritten understanding that he would be here no earlier than 7am? Why show up at 6:45? This neighbourhood has bears, not the cuddly type, Racoons, not the Christmas/on-ice-cartoon-type, and crows that may just pluck off your head if you get too close. The people of the neighbourhood (which is a ~5km ring) can't put their garbage and recycling out the night before, or it is strewn ("locking" garbage can or not!) all over the place. So, I, and my constituents of Ottawa Carleton Ward 5, put out our garbage 1st thing in the morning. Unfortunately for me, doing very much before 7am is a little bit of a stretch. So, again, I, and several of my neighbours, put our recycling out before 7am, but usually JUST before 7am, like.. say.. 6:45am! So you can see the dilemma, any faltering on the schedule, and no pick-up. Worse still, if on the recycling guy's whim, he's here at 6:30am or 6:45am, you may have totally blown your chance.

Here's the clip from the City of Ottawa web site

"When and where to put your garbage

Put garbage at the curb any time after 6 p.m. the evening prior to your collection day and no later than 7 a.m. on your collection day. Bags or cans should be placed on the ground as close as possible to the roadway, but not on the sidewalk, traveled roadway or on top of snow banks. Garbage is collected once a week. Recyclable materials and leaf and yard waste are collected as per the calendar. To find out which day of the week your collection takes place, check the collection calendar."
- http://www.ottawa.ca/city_services/recycling_garbage/garbage/

Seems pretty clear to me!

Luckily for me, our dog wanted to go outside at ~4:30am, so I stayed up to make sure he didn't scratch on the door and wake up my wife. Of course, proving me a liar, he curled up out on the dirt and fell fast asleep. Anyhow, it gave me the chance I needed, to sort the garbage and recycling in the garage out while I was mostly awake. Two garbage bags of garbage, two recycle bins of Cardboard/paper.

Where's my coffee, I'm about ready to nod off, and it's only 7:15am!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So this is what you do when you get up early...and I thought you were downloading illegal music! I still have no clue how to start an RSS feed for this blog, you'll have to tell me later! :) Love you!