The Miller "Elite" Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet

Since Princess Auto was less than helpful in finding a variable shade auto-darkening welding helmet, their old one was discontinued and they wouldn't find me a suitable replacement, I went to the "store" where I always find what I want, when I want it, and usually of a higher quality than I can buy locally, with far less frustration and a higher quality of customer service. This miracle store is where? eBay, of course. I looked for a few searches around the key words welding, dark*, helmet, etc.. and found the Miller Elite model to be the highest quality and most fully featured - specifically with the features I wanted; solar assist & variable darkening control.

Here's the company's web page; on the Elite series

Here's the spec sheet for it (PDF Reader Required)

I hope to have the helmet for my next class! Of course, I'll try and get a picture of it too...

What's next? A proper welding jacket... Peter got me the welding gloves for Christmas - and they do rock.

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